Monday, February 18

How big is a piece?

In response to last week’s question, “How big is a piece?", my birthday bud Jon was perplexed and in a John Lennon mood when he replied, "Not sure.  All I am saying, is give a piece a chance."

My social business (collaboration) friend Mark concluded, "A piece is relative to the length of time one goes without one."  To this, my friend Kelly cautioned, "If it’s the kind of piece some of my Navy friends got in foreign ports, it’s REALLY big, and has some long-lasting side effects!"  Then my cycling friend Ted added, "Einstein could answer this with relativity.  If you are talking about the average American Gluteus Maximus, then a piece is pretty big!  But if you are talking about that little shard of glass that gets in your foot when you break a light bulb in the kitchen, then a piece is pretty small.  Moral of the story? Don't compare a piece of glass to a piece of a--- !"

My friend Richard shared a different perspective, "I thought it was a measure of distance, not size.  Based upon prior experience when traveling in rural areas, when I have been told the place I was trying to reach was “just down the road a piece,” I have determined that “a piece” ranges from 1-25 miles (“as the crow flies,” I suppose!)."  My cable TV friend Megan had a similar view, "As a true born and bred Southerner that is tough.  A piece of chocolate cake at Grandmother’s is going to be BIG  while Uncle’s John’s house “just down the road a piece” could be a few hundred yards or miles and miles away!"

My engineering friend Steve took the logical route, "That very much depends on piece of what and the viewer's preference."  My dad's beach buddy Bob saw it as "somewhere between a bit and a chunk" while my friend Chris understood that "as my grandmother would so aptly put it..."It's bigger than a smidgen, but smaller than a slice."  My writing and sailing friend Rich was more definitive, "If it is Craig's Crazy Carrot Cake Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory the answer is about 1500 calories. That's about 1200 calories too many, but oh baby are they worth it."

My Dish TV and running friend John then added, "When it comes to birthday cake, my kids always complain that I’m taking the “whole thing” and that’s typically just 2 or 3 slices…so a piece would have to be something less than 3 slices.  (However, my slices are usually about ¼ the cake so that might explain both why my kids complain and why I have to run so much).  
BTW:  I don’t want to hear any complaining…I shared the smookie!(*)"
My friend Kosol shared, "it depends on how big the person is that's giving the piece."

Sadly, my friend Royce wrote, "Sorry, I am busy applying scientific principles to discovering the differences between "lust" and "love" (Mardi Gras vs. St Valentine's Day).  I'll try again next week." 

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Should we celebrate more than just 2 of 44 presidents on Presidents' Day?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


(*) What's a s'mookie?  My friend John introduced this to me in St George, UT.  What a great dessert and it should not be confused with the definition.

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