Monday, February 24

Why is George Washington's portrait on the cheap $1 bill while Grover Cleveland is on the $1,000 bill?

In response to last week’s question, "Why is George Washington's portrait on the cheap $1 bill while Grover Cleveland is on the $1,000 bill and Salmon Chase is on the $10,000 bill?," my writing and sailing friend Rich realized it's "because Washington wants to be in everyone's pocket."

My product management friend Doug concluded, "Sometimes less is more… and conversely more is less important.  Now that I am a married man I'm much more likely to have $1.00 in the wallet vs. $1,000 and certainly never $10K.  Given that I had to “Google” Salmon Chase's name, it shows you the impact he’s had on most Americans."  My friend Tracey added, "I was thinking Salmon Chase might be an Aleutian sporting event.

My sailing friend Norm explained, "You obviously are in some kind of rich cash business. Even my highest income and wealthiest clients have never seen a $1000 bill or a $10,000 bill.  So how would we know who's pictures are on them?" 

My friend Richard countered, "I think it’s because press agents hadn’t been invented in the 18th century.  Cleveland and Chase got better publicity."  Speaking of publicity, my friend Lesley challenged, "George didn't deserve to be on anything more than the single. In fact, the first President of the United States was John Hanson. Look it up and be amazed."

My dad's beach buddy Bob observed, "Because when in George Washington's time it was probably worth more than $10,000 less the inflation factor" to which my social media friend Mark replied, "this is trending towards George W. being on the million dollar bill."  

My hiking friend Kelly queried, "There’s a $10,000 bill?  I’ve gots to get me some of those!!"; however my friend Tracey, who works at Chase, explained, "they don't mint the $1000, $5000 or $10,000 anymore. They can't even be ordered from the Fed."   To this, my sailing friend Mike concluded, "being on the $1 makes Georgie the most frequently seen prez!"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: 

What's the difference between a passion or an addiction?   

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


OK, so 25-0 was as far as Syr U could go with basketball, losing to BC and Duke this past  week.  Gotta say it was a fun run.  Now for the ACC tourney.

Sailing:  Anyone was to join the virtual Caribbean regatta that starts today at ?  It's free and addicting.

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