Tuesday, September 8

Can you have baked fries?

In response to last week’s question, "Can you have baked fries?,"  my writing and sailing friend Rich called out, "Baked is not fried.  Live dangerously and have some real fries with that."

My sailing friend Bradley observed, "Living in a college town I’ve learned people will eat a lot of things when they’re baked."  My cousin's Canadian in-law Jack added, "I remember when I use to sit around with all my folk music friends, and those two words each had their own special meaning."  My cousin Greg then queried, "The real question is HOW MANY baked fries can I have.....?"

My network friend Andrew announced, "Yes, 'baked fries' are possible since you can also have 'grilled toast'. QED" to which my PR friend Stan added, "Not a half-baked concept since we already have baked chips."  To this, my dad's beach buddy Bob confirmed this by explaining, "When you run out of canola oil, you call Orieda and turn the oven on."

My videographer friend Ivan explained, "As I look at my children, lovely as they are, I realize I have two small fries who's ideas are both half baked, half the the time.  Two small fries probably equals one large fry.  Half baked = 0.5 baked.  Half the time = 0.5 time.  0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25.  By my calculations, which, when right, are seldom wrong, you can have baked fries any time. At a factor of .25 per each, you need 4 times as many.   More important, however, but not by much, is the fact that just because you can have baked fries, it does not follow that you can have fried bakes.

And my humorous temple friend Stuart noted that "this week's post is basically a tribute to oxymorons.  Consider jumbo shrimp and military intelligence?  With that in mind, can you have a fried baked potato? This leads me to other questions, why is it that you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway? Why do you pay a toll on the freeway? What do you prepare when you're giving someone food for thought and what do you feed stupidity?

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

What do you prepare when you're giving someone food for thought? from my friend Stuart

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


9/11 Rememberance is this Friday: Extremists are the real danger.  Religious zealots in Christianity (England vs Ireland, and the Great Crusades), Judiasm (a Jew assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabi) and Islam (9/11 attacks) are examples of hijacking religion for a small groups' own benefit. On a very positive note if you are in ATL on Nov. 19, please join us for an uplifting and inspiring celebration.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by www.nichelabs.com to see what else I'm up to.


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