Monday, September 24

s sub-par good or bad?

In response to last week’s question,  “Is sub-par good or bad?”, my sailing friend Tom concluded, “Both, sub-par is a good thing on the golf course but a bad thing in the club house restaurant.”   My friend Richard added, “Great if you’re playing golf, not so good if you have a medical condition.”  
My neighbor Stan noted, “For a duffer looking at the score sheet a sub-par score would be good. But if they had a sub-par performance it would be bad. I’m more confused than ever now.”
My writing and sailing Rich recalled last week’s question when writing, “It all depends on how you feel about what normal is.”
My Dish friend Mark replied, “I'm a sub-par golfer and have never been within 10 strokes of a sub-par round which is bad, except when I play another sub-par golfer who has never been within 20 strokes of a sub-par round.  Then I'm good sub-par for the course.”  This would support by dad’s beach buddy Bob, who responded, “My friends who golf envy anyone who can play sub-par.”
Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

With so many foods tasting like chicken, what does chicken taste like? (from my son, Zak)

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.

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