Monday, June 8

What exactly can you get at a general store?

In response to last week’s question, “What exactly can you get at a general store?”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob understands that you’d get “A general of course. You have to go elsewhere to find Lieutenants, and privates are in bathrooms.”

My witty friend Richard added, “You can get a commanding officer from the Army, Marines, or Air Force, of course. Used to be you could also get an Admiral television, but that is no longer true, since Admiral went out of business in 1979. And General Motors vehicles are looking iffy. However, General Electric and General Tires are still in play --- generally speaking.

My neighbor Al observed that “You can get lots of stuff .... just nothing specific.” Yet my birthday bud Jon believes you can get “major appliances” while my friend Kevin believes you can get “tin soldiers.”

My sailing and electric train friend Mike knows that you can get “Anyone above the rank of colonel, of course!”, to which my friend Royce suggested, “a Patton, Eisenhower, Peatreus.” My sailing and writing buddy Rich added some details to these options. “The U.S. Grant model is a great drinking buddy. If you need a fire started, then I would recommend a Sherman. The MacArthur model has a special return policy so make sure you read the fine print. If your tastes run more to the nautical then visit the Army / Navy store and pick up a used Ensign dirt cheap, very handy to have around to heap abuse on, but not much good for anything else.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

If unique is one of a kind, how can you be very unique?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…

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