Monday, December 28

Where did the day go?

In response to last week’s question, "Where did the day go (in recognition of Winter Solstice)?",  my writing and sailing friend Rich noticed that, "it was last seen heading west," to which my equestrian friend, Royce expounded, "It caught a train for the west coast."

My temple friend Tracey (coincidence that she works for Chase Bank?) replied, "Mine went by chasing what matters from sun-up to sundown."

My PR friend Stan queried, "You mean it left? I thought it was here for 24 whole hours! OMG! I better jump into my time machine and find it for all of you."

And my social media friend Mark cautioned, "Isn't that racist?"

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Who is your person of the year?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive quickly.

Happy New Year y'all.  I like the Chinese tradition to not clean on New Year's day (avoid the risk of sweeping out good luck), and do things that you want to do often during the year.

My engineering friend Jim noted, "As the year comes to a close, a big thank you for all the laughs and smiles that start my Mondays. Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy New Year."  The thank you goes to everyone who contributed, or almost contributed……….   And my construction friend Fred shared, "Hope you and all of the doggies have a wonderful Holiday Season."  Yes, dogs can be an important part of our mental well being.

And thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, December 21

How bad is an uneducated guess? + a Winter Solstice question

In response to last week’s question, "How bad is an uneducated guess?,"   my cousin Greg and my equestrian friend Royce concluded, "It depends if your schooling was in street smarts or book smarts," to which my writing and sailing friend Rich added, "If chapter 21 is titled 'I make an uneducated guess', then chapter 22 is usually titled, 'It seemed like a good idea at the time.' "

My Parrothead friend Sam shared, "Finals week here at Tech, so seeing quite a few uneducated guesses.  Those are not nearly as bad as uneducated declarations."

My dad's beach buddy Bob cautioned, "The odds are that you will be right most of the time.  The educated ones are driving our country down the road to oblivion."

My sailing friend Kurt advised, "I can't even guess how bad it would be, probably a case of GIGO (garbage in/garbage out)."

My jeweler friend in Georgia Bill queried, "It depends if you are from Alabama or not?"

My social media friend Mark replied, "I guess any guess is only as good as its guesser," to which my temple friend Lesley added, "as an educated guess. If it's a guess, then there is no surety behind it, yes? Maybe? Perhaps?"

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Where did the day go?  (Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere)

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive quickly.

As a fan of sunlight and its Vitamin D, this is my most challenging day of the year…..on the brightside, the days will start getting longer!
Today in Atlanta:            Only 9hr, 54min of daylight compared to 14hr, 24min on Jun 21 (4.5 hour difference)
Today in Fairbanks:       Just  3hr, 41min of daylight compared to  21hr, 49 min on Jun 21 (18 hour difference)

To all of my Christian friends, Merry Christmas! Remember the reason for the season.  To my Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Hindu friends:  Anyone for Chinese food on Friday?  ;-)

And thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, December 14

Should you borrow money from pessimists since they don't expect it back?

In response to last week’s question, "Should you borrow money from pessimists since they don't expect it back?," my social media friend Mark replied, "Yes, and No you cannot borrow any money," to which my business collaboration friend Tricia wrote, "Very interesting...and so very true!  :)  "

My videographer friend Ivan suggested, "I would like to borrow $10 from you, but only give me $5.  That way I'll owe you five and you'll owe me five."

My dad's beach buddy Bob recalled, "I did once and I made the bank's wish come true."

My PR friend Stan cautioned, "No, they’ll want more interest and hound you more."  This may have led my networking friend Andrew to share, "Whenever we are borrowing money, we are optimists, since we believe we will be able to pay it back (usually). Therefore, we should borrow only from pessimists, so that the optimist/pessimist balance is maintained in the universe.  Of course, Shakespeare said wisely through Polonius in "Hamlet" (so I guess he was a "pessimist" about borrowing in general):   
Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

And my temple friend Bob responded, "Borrow money from an optimist and start another pessimist -- or, borrow money from an optometrist regardless of what he is."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

How bad is an uneducated guess?  from Demitri Martin

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  
And thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, December 7

If you argue with an idiot, will he beat you with experience? + Happy Hanukkah

In response to last week’s question, "If you argue with an idiot, will he beat you with experience?," my writing and sailing friend Rich cautioned, "Yes, in exactly the same way you will never win an argument with a five year old."  To this, my PR friend Stan concurred, "Every time. They’re all more experienced than I – even after all these years."  And my dad's beach buddy Bob added his political perspective, "Definitely if he is a Democrat or a socialist or both."

My temple friend Richard advised, "No, but he/she will wear you down because it will be like talking to a wall…but less satisfying.  In the Air Force, they will refer to those who are not too sharp by saying their “clue bag is empty.”  It is understood that there are 3 reasons why someone’s clue bag could be empty:
(1)   There is a hole in the bottom of their clue bag, so every time you provide them with useful information, it simply falls out.
(2)   Their clue bag is sealed, so they will not accept any information or insight you provide to them.
(3)   Finally, there is the most frustrating of all: Those who will allow you to fill their clue bag, but then will turn it over and dump the contents out. Those are the ones who are deliberately ignorant.

My social media friend Mark warned, "If you choose to pick a fight with a fool, halfwit, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, cretin, moron, imbecile, or a simpleton, you are perhaps one yourself, and you both will win that fight."

My sailing friend Kate shared, "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. - Proverbs 26:4."  To this, my cousin Valarie expounded, "Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words. Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him." I realize you're going for wit and levity, but these proverbs came immediately to mind so I'm sharing their wisdom. And yes, an idiot will beat you, at least in his own mind, so disengage immediately!"

And my equestrian friend Royce queried, "Is this a Freudian question with underlying insinuations of deviant sexual practices?"

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Should you borrow money from pessimists since they don't expect it back?  Paraphrased from Steven Wright

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  

Happy Chanukah, Hanukkah and Hannukah.  While there are not 8 ways to transliterate the Hebrew to English, there are 8 days to celebrate religious freedom.    Religion be an inspiration and guidance for peace; because Chanukah is the observance of  winning a military battle for freedom of religion, it  is considered a minor Jewish holiday.  At the same time, it is cause for celebration and you are encouraged to celebrate by eating fried foods.  Huh?  Ask a Jewish friend if you want to know more.

And thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, November 30

Why do we take so much food on ThanksGIVING?

In response to last week’s question, "Why do we take so much food on Thanksgiving?,"  my social media friend Mark explained, "Since there are zero calories in anything we eat on Thanksgiving Day, we are not really taking anything at all."  My equestrian friend Royce challenged this with, "'We'? Speak for yourself. I'm on a diet!"

My dad's beach buddy Bob replied out, "So that we will have enough to make a turkey soup with the leftovers."

My sailing friend Norm pointed out, "What do you mean 'take'?  We are having 25 hungry relatives over.  We don't 'take' so much food. We GIVE so much food for Thanksgiving!"  I wish my cycling friend Ted felt this way as his family hosted my family for Thanksgiving dinner and he wrote, "This year I won't let you take any!  I'm keeping it all for myself!"

And my hiking friend Kelly ask that for people who do take so much is "because we’re assholes?"

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

If you argue with an idiot, will he beat you with experience?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  

My IT friend Kosol wrote that he watched our 11th annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration, where speakers expressed how Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism support each other.  "Nice to see the many different religions getting together. I didn't know everyone could visit a Jewish temple.   This was enlightening bolt."  Click here  if you want to be inspired.

And thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.