Monday, March 25

How do you cure March Madness?

In response to last week’s question, “How do you cure March Madness?", my friend Swany challenged, "Why would you?"

My sailing and writing friend Rich recommended, "You consult a brackatoligist" and my Habitat for Humanity building friend Henry suggested, "take two ‘brackets’ and call me in the morning." 

My dad's beach buddy Bob proposed, "You take a shot of Kentucky bourbon first thing in the morning and the rest of the day goes by without a hitch."

My Dish friend Kendra concluded, "I think the only true cure is when the final buzzer sounds and a victor is decided.   I choose to avoid the “madness” altogether by rooting for a team without a dog in the fight!"  My birthday bud Jon didn't follow Kendra's advice, as he replied, "By losing in the first round, (Go Blue!)"

My engineering friend Steve proposed, "Not have a team in the hunt… I do now for the first time ever so I speak from experience.  Go Canes!"

My UT friend Bruce responded, "First to must "catch the fever"... I haven't and thus could care less...I have different things to do with my free time..."  to which my friend Tracey declared, "Turn the channel."

My sailing friend Kurt offered, "I just go sailing and the madness goes away."  My sailing friend Tom added, "Rx: Take 4 hrs of sailing, repeat as necessary, Call me at halftime."

My former colleague Effie and my friend Royce saw this from a literary perspective, "Ask the March Hare.  He knows...and he's pretty good to respond quickly if it isn't his un-birthday."

My social business colleague Andy declared, "April arriving" to which my videographer friend Ivan replied, "With April fools" while my database friend Kelly recalled, "With April Apathy?"

And then my future-looking friend Richard called out, "Opening day of the baseball season!"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
Why isn't chocolate considered a vegetable since chocolate comes from cocoa beans, and all beans are a vegetable?
Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


  Mon:    Hag Sameach; Passover starts tonight.  Bring on the matzah.
  Wed:     Happy Birthday to my birthday buds Jon and  Adam.  Bring on the ice cream.
  Sun:     Happy Easter to those celebrating.  Bring on the chocolate.

Monday, March 18

With there being Daylight Savings Time, will the government tax your savings?

In response to last week’s question, “With there being Daylight Savings Time, will the government tax your savings?", my friend Richard concluded, "No, just your patience!"  My engineering friend Steve countered, "They already did... It cost the industry billions of dollars to reconfigure electronics when they changed the rules, and the cows still don't care what time the clock shows."

My writing and sailing friend Rich cautioned, "Sure they will try, but if you spend your extra daylight hours under a "Daylight Tax Umbrella" you won't get burned." 

My dad's beach buddy Bob complained, "They already are. They are taxing the dickens out of my retirement and social security funds that are running out of time."

My cycling friend Ted leaned to the right and quoted a past campaign slogan, " 'Yes we Can!'    Need I say more?"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

How do you cure March Madness?

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Regarding madness, Charles Bukowski noticed that both in the very poor and very rich extremes of society the mad were often allowed to mingle freely.”  
(from Ham on Rye)

Monday, March 11

Can a person be ducky?

In response to last week’s question, “Can a person be ducky?", my friend Tracey concluded, "Those who work for AFLAC can" to which my Social Business cohort Andy cautioned, "Yes, but no:"

My birthday bud Jon and cousin Wes challenged, "NCIS fans will know the answer to this!" to which my musical friend Blair wrote, "Dr. Mallard on NCIS."  My social media friend Mark showed his sharp memory by responding, "I'd rather be the much cooler Illya Kuryakin (from The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)."

My cousin Greg knew firsthand, "Of course. Students at Oregon are Ducks. Go Ducks!"

My friend Swany skillfully suggested, "A Quaker is ducky if you "c" them."   To this, my friend Richard added, "I’ve heard that some people quack under pressure, and of some people feathering their nest, so I think the answer must be yes."   This led my dad's beach buddy Bob to push back, "Not unless you begin growing feathers instead of hair."

My sailing and writing friend Rich declared, "Of course you can be ducky, it beats being sucky!"   My equestrian-loving friend Royce more crassfully concurred, "But of course! And is much better than being a horse's ass."

My social media and author friend Jodie then offered the challenge, "One can aspire to. By designing a rubber duckie, writing a best-selling book on them (130,000 copies),  and living in a rubber duckie world! ."    Jodie is having a lot of fun and success with her rubber duckies even though my collaboration friend KJ discovered a gap in the English language.  KJ shared, "I suppose it depends on the person’s definition of “ducky”. If the user of the term is referring to the definitions 1. Fine; excellent; wonderful. 2.       darling; charming; cute, then “Yes”. However, the funny thing is, there was no reference to a rubber ducky or baby ducky except in the advertisements on the page. There appears to be no valid association of ducky if you are feeling like one of our yellow web-footed friends because a baby ducky is a duckling, a rubber ducky should have been a rubber duckling or rubber duck and ducks are just ducks, not duckies. Isn’t that just ducky! No mention of the sarcastic tone. I guess that should be an antonym."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

With there being Daylight Savings Time, will the government tax your savings?

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Friday is the Ides of March.  Anyone doing anything different than any other Friday?

Monday, March 4

To eat a peanut, do you shell it or unshell it?

In response to last week’s question, “To eat a peanut,  do you shell it or unshell it?",  my friend Bill concluded, "Either way you achieve your goal and you are doing it just for the shell of it anyway."

My musical friend Blair and sailing friend Tom replied, "You mean they come in shells?! I usually just open the can or jar." My dad's beach buddy Bob agreed, "I never concern myself about it as I buy them in a jar."  To this my friend Royce added, "You just enjoy it!"

My neighbor Al shared a different perspective, writing, "Actually, I'm strange.  Since all of the salt is on the outside of the shell.... I eat the entire thing.  (High fiber)"

My friend Richard declared, "You definitely shell a peanut.  Even better, you can shell your enemy’s position.  Better still, you can shell the enemy with peanuts! (Of course, if the enemy is an elephant, it will actually be quite happy about being shelled.)  “Nuts!” (as U.S. Army General Anthony McAuliffe said in response to a German ultimatum to surrender while defending Bastogne, Belgium, during World War II's Battle of the Bulge. (Or maybe he was defending his elephants? No, that was Hannibal… and I don’t mean Mr. Lecter.)"

My cycling friend Ted responded, I'm stumped. Go ask Jimmy Carter!"

And then my writing and sailing friend Rich concluded, "I skip the hard labor of removing the peanuts from their shell by eating them from the conveniently packaged Planters can or by dipping my finger in the easy to access Jiff jar. I guess if the Communists ever get their act together and wiped out Kroger and Publix, then I will have to face this question square on. Odds are I will starve to death before I figure it out."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Can a person be ducky?  (from my friend Regi, who is formerly from the South)

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.
