Monday, November 30

Why do we take so much food on ThanksGIVING?

In response to last week’s question, "Why do we take so much food on Thanksgiving?,"  my social media friend Mark explained, "Since there are zero calories in anything we eat on Thanksgiving Day, we are not really taking anything at all."  My equestrian friend Royce challenged this with, "'We'? Speak for yourself. I'm on a diet!"

My dad's beach buddy Bob replied out, "So that we will have enough to make a turkey soup with the leftovers."

My sailing friend Norm pointed out, "What do you mean 'take'?  We are having 25 hungry relatives over.  We don't 'take' so much food. We GIVE so much food for Thanksgiving!"  I wish my cycling friend Ted felt this way as his family hosted my family for Thanksgiving dinner and he wrote, "This year I won't let you take any!  I'm keeping it all for myself!"

And my hiking friend Kelly ask that for people who do take so much is "because we’re assholes?"

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

If you argue with an idiot, will he beat you with experience?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  

My IT friend Kosol wrote that he watched our 11th annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration, where speakers expressed how Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism support each other.  "Nice to see the many different religions getting together. I didn't know everyone could visit a Jewish temple.   This was enlightening bolt."  Click here  if you want to be inspired.

And thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, November 23

Can you have an enlightening bolt? and a Thanksgiving question

In response to last week’s question, "Can you have an enlightening bolt?,"  my writing and sailing friend Rich replied, "My wife calls that a sharp blow to the back of my head, otherwise known as the dope slap."

My dad's beach buddy Bob recalled that such a bolt was "one that fits into a nut the first time you try."

My temple friend Richard advised, "If you get hit by lightning, it would definitely be enlightening, as you would realize it isn’t enjoyable and would not go outside in a lightning storm. However, if you are caught on the golf course during a lightning storm, you should hold a 1-iron over your head. Even G-d cannot hit a 1-iron.   Or, if by “bolt” you mean a bolt of cloth, then you should at least make sure it is in your color palette. If it isn’t, you will look funny, and THAT would be enlightening as well."

My sailing friend Norm remembered, "As I was fixing a light fixture this weekend, one of the bolts holding the hanger bracket fell onto my head.  It was an 'Enlighting Bolt' ".  

My social media friend Mark shared, "Yes. I've seen it myself. I was trying to do my own electrical repairs (always a great idea), and when I felt a flash of energy and light, and I also saw God and my entire life in front of me. It truly enlightened me to get a guy to do my electrical work if I want to continue my life."

And my piano playing friend Ira replied, "I have read of many people who would bolt from anything enlightening, especially on Facebook. I didn't see any of those people on Thursday's at the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
Why do we take so much food on Thanksgiving?
Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  

With the recent tragedies caused by terrorists misusing religion, click here to view our 11th annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration, where speakers expressed how Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism support each other.

This is the time of year to pause to appreciate the many wonderful things we have in our life.  I am grateful to have my wife, son, dad and family in my life, my temple family, my sailing family, my dog rescue family and my work family which includes those at TAG.  The more I give to them, the more I get in return.  And for this, I'm very, very thankful.

And thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, November 16

"When a sign says 'keep away from children,' to whom are they referring?

In response to last week’s question, "When a sign says 'keep away from children,' to whom are they referring?,"  my neighbor Al replied, "If you are talking to my parole officer he's talking about me.  If it concerns poison or heavy equipment.. the children."

My dad's beach buddy Bob cautioned, "Everybody who hasn't taken a course on the subject to protect themselves from a lawsuit," to which my temple friend Bob suggested, "my uncle Leo."

My talented piano playing friend Ira shared, "Obviously they are referring to the children's parents, specifically when the children are being pains in the neck or elsewhere."   My social media friend Mark concurred, "They are talking to my wife. She does everything she can to 'keep away from children.' "

My networking friend Andrew explained, "'Keep away' is a game children play, so it means that this game originated (came 'from') children."

And my sailing friend Bradley  acknowledged, "When they say 'keep away from children,' I think they are referring to loaded rifles, handguns, and muskets (unloaded ones are fine if you don’t mind cleaning slobber off them), battle axes, racing motorcycles, big pointy knives, attack dogs (the ones that attack randomly, not the trained kind), explosives, high voltage electricity, deranged wildlife, hunting arrows, torches, and my girlfriend's cooking.  Basically anything in and around my house.  At least that’s what my former friends with small children tell me.  Apparently I’m not very good with the ‘child-proofing’ concept."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “: 

Can you have an enlightening bolt?  from my biz coaching friend David C

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  

For those of you in the Atlanta area, consider saving this Thu, Nov 19 at 7pm for an inspiring and humorous evening to kick-off your Thanksgiving (yes, the Thu before Thanksgiving).  Click here for details about our 11th annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration.  

For those of you not in the Atlanta area, follow this link to watch a live stream (or later, on demand).

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

Monday, November 9

Why don’t food trucks deliver?

In response to last week’s question, "Why don’t food trucks deliver?," my writing and sailing friend Rich declared, "If you park it … they will come."  My dad's Charleston-based beach buddy Bob queried, "What is a food truck?  Where can I buy one?"

My birthday bud Jon noticed that in metro DC, "They do.  Just not to where you are."  My college roomie John added, "We have grocery stores here that will do your shopping and deliver your groceries to your home."    My social media friend Mark cautioned, "I think that if they did deliver, we would be just one more step away from paying other people to make our own dinner."

My cycling friend Ted offered a serious answer, "A food truck is really a restaurant without the high budget investment of a restaurant building. Since profit margins in this industry are so low, anything to reduce the overhead is huge! I'll bet a well placed food truck can be a great business.  And mine will be called Chipps' Chips."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

When a sign says "keep away from children," who are they referring to?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  

Happy 86th birthday to my dad today.  He has been a wonderful influence on so many of us as he continues to demonstrate "deliver more than you promise."

We give our sincere appreciation to vets of all generations who protect our freedom on Veteran's Day on Wed and year-round  --- freedoms not enjoyed in many parts of the Middle East.  Regardless of your political opinions, I believe we all agree that our freedom is crucial to our lifestyle we all enjoy.

For those of you in the Atlanta area, consider saving Thu, Nov 19 at 7pm for an inspiring and humorous evening to kick-off your Thanksgiving (yes, the Thu before Thanksgiving).  Click here for details about our 11th annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration.  

For those of you not in the Atlanta area, follow this link to watch a live stream (or later, on demand).

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.