Monday, November 9

Why don’t food trucks deliver?

In response to last week’s question, "Why don’t food trucks deliver?," my writing and sailing friend Rich declared, "If you park it … they will come."  My dad's Charleston-based beach buddy Bob queried, "What is a food truck?  Where can I buy one?"

My birthday bud Jon noticed that in metro DC, "They do.  Just not to where you are."  My college roomie John added, "We have grocery stores here that will do your shopping and deliver your groceries to your home."    My social media friend Mark cautioned, "I think that if they did deliver, we would be just one more step away from paying other people to make our own dinner."

My cycling friend Ted offered a serious answer, "A food truck is really a restaurant without the high budget investment of a restaurant building. Since profit margins in this industry are so low, anything to reduce the overhead is huge! I'll bet a well placed food truck can be a great business.  And mine will be called Chipps' Chips."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

When a sign says "keep away from children," who are they referring to?

Live. Love. Learn. Laugh .. Lighten up!  

Happy 86th birthday to my dad today.  He has been a wonderful influence on so many of us as he continues to demonstrate "deliver more than you promise."

We give our sincere appreciation to vets of all generations who protect our freedom on Veteran's Day on Wed and year-round  --- freedoms not enjoyed in many parts of the Middle East.  Regardless of your political opinions, I believe we all agree that our freedom is crucial to our lifestyle we all enjoy.

For those of you in the Atlanta area, consider saving Thu, Nov 19 at 7pm for an inspiring and humorous evening to kick-off your Thanksgiving (yes, the Thu before Thanksgiving).  Click here for details about our 11th annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Celebration.  

For those of you not in the Atlanta area, follow this link to watch a live stream (or later, on demand).

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

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