Monday, January 28

What is public service?

In response to last week’s imponderable question, “What is public service?,” my equestrian friend Royce wrote, “it is usually service paid for by the public that benefits others,” to which my temple friend Tracey observed, “Public service is what all of the government employees that are not receiving paychecks right now yet continue to go to work every day  are doing.”  My attorney friend Philip expounded, “Public service is when a government employee shows up for work without pay despite a megalomaniac's temper tantrum over not getting his way with a stupid **** wall.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob lamented a more general observation, “Certainly not in political office where they help themselves.”

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Would you rather be right or happy?

Lord, give me a sense of humor; give me the ability to understand a clean joke; to get some humor out of life, and to pass it on to other folks. 


Do you know someone who has the same sense of humor you and I do?  I’m happy to include them on my weekly distribution if you’ll either send me their name/email address, or any other introduction.  Remember, humor helps most things.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

Tuesday, January 15

Where’s Elvis?

In response to last week’s imponderable question, “Where’s Elvis?,” my temple friend Richard declared, “Elvis is the night manager at the Heartbreak Hotel. Apparently, he does a lounge show there too.  The lounge serves a very nice steak called Love Me Tender,”  to which my engineering friend Steve pointed out, “He’s in Vegas of course; I see him multiple times and places when I’m out there for work. He’s either cloned himself or he’s a really fast runner!”   My sailing friend Norm “saw Elvis on my cruise ship this past week while we were cruising on the The Royal Princess in the western Caribbean.  Really did see him (or perhaps an impostor?) .”

My college roomie John provided proof that “Elvis is everywhere; check out the video:,” to which my writing and sailing friend Rich provided the lyrics,

My interfaith friend Ann replied, “He’s all over my cousin's house!  And my cousin wasn't born until 1986.  Maybe he IS Elvis.  He even went to college in Memphis so that he could work at Graceland (he's from Colorado).”

My equestrian friend Royce declared that “Elvis is in Memphis, TN a few mile south of Beale Street.”  And my business development friend Ray called out, “He’s somewhere between a jelly donut and a big ol ham sandwich, and still all shook up of course!  Long live The King! BTW, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the news broke that Elvis died.”

My temple friend Lesley and sailing friends Kurt & Connie noted, “I believe Elvis has left the building,” to which my cousin Greg opined, “Elvis is on the island with Biggie and Tupac.”

And my social media friend Mark provided the summary, “He’s alive in all our hearts.”

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What is public service? (in honor of MLK Day next Monday, Jan 21)

Lord, give me a sense of humor; give me the ability to understand a clean joke; to get some humor out of life, and to pass it on to other folks. 


 The day recalling the memory of Martin Luther King and his wonderful view of diversity has been expanded to include awareness of doing public service.  What a great way to spend some time, either on the 21st, or some other day this month.

Responses to this week’s imponderable question will be on Mon, Jan 28 so that Alison and I can escape reality and spend the week of Jan 20 in the Caribbean.  Catch ya when we return.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

Tuesday, January 8

Where do you go for advice for a New Year's resolution?

In response to last week’s imponderable question, “Where do you go for advice for a New Year's resolution?,” my temple friend Richard pondered, “One definition of “resolution” (per the Merriam-Webster On-line Dictionary is “the subsidence of a pathological state (such as inflammation).” Ergo, it would seem that one should see a qualified mental health professional to cure  resolutions.  In short, you do not have to be insane to make resolutions, but it apparently helps!”

With that in mind, my social media friend Mark replied, “Never thought of asking anyone else what I ought to do to improve. I’m sure the list would be way too long,” to which my sailing friend Norm explained, “my spouse has my resolutions all set out for me.”  And my PR friend Stan shared a longer list of sources, “My kids and financial advisor...  I don’t have to go to them. I just compile their suggestions over the year.” 

My Utahan friend Bruce surmised, “You don’t have to go anywhere , as they automatically come to you via your mother-in-law... by the way: it’s true name is not New Year’s Resolutions. The correct term is ‘yearly promises I make to myself that I have no contractual or legal obligation to fulfill.’”

My birthday bud Jon “Turns to the answers to the previous 51 weekly ‘things make you go ‘Hmmm.’ I’m sure that is worthwhile advice in there somewhere” while my dad’s beach buddy Bob gets advice from “last year’s resolutions.”

My business development friend Ray noted, “Like the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, I do not believe in New Year's resolutions. In perpetual motion, I resolve to do the right things throughout the year and if I don't, I resolve to rectify those missteps. Happy New Year!”

And with all of this insight, my adjunct executive fiend Lindy shared, “This year I am making resolutions I can keep: to gain weight, be impatient, and argue over things that don’t matter.”

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Where’s Elvis? (in memory of Elvis Presley’s birthday on Jan 8*)

Lord, give me a sense of humor; give me the ability to understand a clean joke; to get some humor out of life, and to pass it on to other folks. 


My friend Dov makes “educational video games” to aid in employee (and first responder) training.  He took out time to play and share Sneezins Greetings.   Enjoy.

*Elvis Presley was born 1/8/1935 and Tuesday would have been his 84th birthday but he died in 1977 at the age of 42.  Next year we’ll ask who is the new Elvis (if there is one)?

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

Wednesday, January 2

How do you make a decision when you are in the dark?

In response to last week’s imponderable question, “How do you make a decision when you are in the dark?,” my birthday bud Jon advised, “Not lightly,”  to which my dad’s beach buddy Bob recalled, “You usually close your eyes when you are in deep thought.”

My adjunct executive friend Lindy shared, “The same way you do in the light: gather the facts, ponder them, possibly seek counsel, then follow your gut.”

My business development friend Ray proffered, “Lick my finger, stick it into the wind to see which direction it is blowing at the moment!” to which my cycling friend Ted lamented, “they do that in Washington all day long!”  So my sailing friend Norm recommended literally and figuratively, “Turn on the light!”

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Where do you turn to for advice for a New Year's resolution?

Lord, give me a sense of humor; give me the ability to understand a clean joke; to get some humor out of life, and to pass it on to other folks. 


I am so blessed (if you’re in the South) / fortunate (if you’ve somewhere else) to have such supportive and caring friends.  You respond to these weekly questions, ask me to share these emails with your friends, or simply say ‘thank you’ periodically.  Being part of such a community makes every day a joy – even Mondays!  Looking forward to staying in touch with you this year.  And wishing you a year of health, prosperity and joy.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.