Monday, November 25

What should a child do when hearing a compliment from a stranger?

In response to last week’s question, "What should a child do when hearing a compliment from a stranger?", my sailing friend Bradley recommended, "Take the candy and run away- best of both worlds."  My neighbor Al agreed, "Take the candy and run, but the judge told me I can't talk about it."

My writing and sailing friend Rich offered, "Can you put that in writing?  Mom and Dad need proof that I am not Satan's whelp."

My hiking friend Kelly cautioned, "Examine the inside of the stranger’s van carefully for any signs that the stranger is a fan of Michael Jackson."   My dad's beach buddy Bob suggested, "Smile, say thank you, then extend their hand and say 'please to get the real green stuff,' or at least a hand shake."

My social media friend Mark replied, "Same as an adult...say thank you, smile, and move on" to which my college roomie John added, "but no reason to start a dialog."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

When are you eligible to eat at the adult table?

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Thanksgivukkah.  It's about the oil.  For a little Thanksgivukkah related humor:
[Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.]

Monday, November 18

Can you claim something about you is hereditary if your parents don't have it?

In response to last week’s question, "Can you claim something about you is hereditary if your parents don't  have it?", my writing and sailing friend Rich declared, "Anything is possible as long as you are willing not to let the facts (or in this case DNA) stand in the way of a good story. A trait I am proud to say that say that I inherited from the preachers, teachers and convicts that are my ancestors."

My dad's beach buddy Bob replied, "Only if it is hair."

My Parrothead friend Samantha shared, "Heck no- I blame it all on them.  Good looks and insanity go hand in hand..." to which my friend Royce added, "it certainly works!"

And my social media friend Mark advised, "You cannot claim heredity, but you can still blame them for everything else in your life. Everything we do not want to take responsibility for is either nature or nurture. There are no other choices."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

What should a child do when hearing a compliment from a stranger?

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


For a truly inspiring kick-off to your Thanksgiving holiday join us in person ( ), or online ( this Thu, 11/21 at 7pm.
[Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.]

Monday, November 11

If you are what you eat.....are cannibals more human than the rest of us?

In response to last week’s question, " If you are what you eat.....are cannibals more human than the rest of us?", my neighbor Al pondered, "Well they would in theory.  If your first premise was correct, I'd already be beer."   My social media friend Mark concluded, "Cannibals are the opposite of humans. They eat what they are."

My hiking friend Kelly explained, "I wouldn’t say they’re more “human” – just more economical.  They’ve taken “a mind is a terrible thing to waste” and expanded that concept."   My IT friend Kosol clarified, "It depends on the human they eat.  Some humans, because of what they ate, can be chickens, pigs, beefy, fishy, green behind the ears from too much veggies, salty, sweet, or just plain ol' bitter!"  My friend Royce added, "Does that include side dishes?"

My cycling friend Ted shared, "That would explain why my wife says I am mostly a pig."
My dad's beach buddy Bob replied, "Just might be the case.  I checked with my Mullah to be sure."

My Parrothead friend Samantha explained, "Apparently, since they take the bite out of humanity....Ugh that was awful - sorry.  We now know that the bacteria in your gut are more numerous than human cells and play a role in gene expression, so it would depend on how much of the gut bacteria survived in the cannibal's system to take over in their gut and determine their level of 'human' gene expression... Just lectured on that today :)   "

My friend Richard shared, "No, but I believe that the lyrics to the song “People” (made famous by Barbra Streisand) were written for cannibals:  'People. People who need people are the luckiest people in the world'."

And then my writing and sailing friend Rich queried, "Well I guess so, Does that mean that Zombies are smarter than the rest of us because they eat brains?"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Can you claim something about you is hereditary if your parents don't  have it?  (from my friend Leah)

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!

[Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.]

Monday, November 4

What do candy corns grow on?

In response to last week’s question, "What do candy corns grow on?", my cable marketing friend Megan concluded, "Are you looking for something other than the obvious answer of “hips”?"

My friends Swany and Rich replied, "Sweet people's feet" while my birthday bud Jon and my friend Richard expounded with, "They grow on candy feet!"  And my comedic friend Bruce added, "Gummy bear feet."

My Dish sales friend Kendra shared, "This picture to the right speaks for itself! Yum! :)   "

My dad's beach buddy Bob explained that the candy corns grow on "tooth cavities."

My cycling friend Ted and friend Royce declared, "Candy Corns must have to grow on Candy Cobs (especially in Cobb County)!"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

 If you are what you eat.....are cannibals more human than the rest of us? 

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!

[Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.]