Monday, March 4

To eat a peanut, do you shell it or unshell it?

In response to last week’s question, “To eat a peanut,  do you shell it or unshell it?",  my friend Bill concluded, "Either way you achieve your goal and you are doing it just for the shell of it anyway."

My musical friend Blair and sailing friend Tom replied, "You mean they come in shells?! I usually just open the can or jar." My dad's beach buddy Bob agreed, "I never concern myself about it as I buy them in a jar."  To this my friend Royce added, "You just enjoy it!"

My neighbor Al shared a different perspective, writing, "Actually, I'm strange.  Since all of the salt is on the outside of the shell.... I eat the entire thing.  (High fiber)"

My friend Richard declared, "You definitely shell a peanut.  Even better, you can shell your enemy’s position.  Better still, you can shell the enemy with peanuts! (Of course, if the enemy is an elephant, it will actually be quite happy about being shelled.)  “Nuts!” (as U.S. Army General Anthony McAuliffe said in response to a German ultimatum to surrender while defending Bastogne, Belgium, during World War II's Battle of the Bulge. (Or maybe he was defending his elephants? No, that was Hannibal… and I don’t mean Mr. Lecter.)"

My cycling friend Ted responded, I'm stumped. Go ask Jimmy Carter!"

And then my writing and sailing friend Rich concluded, "I skip the hard labor of removing the peanuts from their shell by eating them from the conveniently packaged Planters can or by dipping my finger in the easy to access Jiff jar. I guess if the Communists ever get their act together and wiped out Kroger and Publix, then I will have to face this question square on. Odds are I will starve to death before I figure it out."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Can a person be ducky?  (from my friend Regi, who is formerly from the South)

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


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