Monday, November 15

If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you have left?

In response to last week’s question, “If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you have left?”, my engineering friend Steve and neighbor Bob, also an engineer concluded, “one odd end, of course!” Then my friend Richard and neighbor Al expounded, “Since there’s only one left, and one is an odd number, then it’s an “odd.” If you get rid of that one, that’s “the end.” "  To this, my sailing friend Kate determined that this would be “An even start :) ”

My friend Effie theorized, “Odds and ends in isolation instantly become “thingies.” In some instances they might be “whatchamacallits” or “Whojawhajits.” Mostly, though, they end up being the clutter in the bottom of the drawer, that you never quite want to get rid of but never ever use.” My friend Royce countered, “It's according to which pile - the odds or the ends - said object is in.” My friend Tracey added, “You have a piece of garbage. Throw it away!”

My sailing friend Scott determined, “All you have left is just a bunch of middles.” My videographer and sailing friend Ivan shared, “Once upon a time I had a bunch of odds and ends. One day I got rid of all but one of them and I had one left. The end.”
My friend Swany joked (I think), “A wife.”

My organizational behavior friend Marya recalled, “Something cherished --- even if it is just that trinket you got from your first love and no one else would understand why you would keep napkin!” My birthday bud Jon and cousin Wes determined, “That was an odd question to end the email with.” However, my dad’s beach buddy Bob concluded that when you get rid of the odds and ends, it’s “Total Fulfillment.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ”:

         Some things get out of whack. What’s a whack”? (from my friend Jan)

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


I look forward to seeing many of your Thu night (see As for my birthday bud Adam, I anticipate seeing his next creative response.

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