Monday, June 11

Is growing up the same as learning how to act in public?

In response to last week’s question,  “Is growing up the same as learning how to act in public?”, my birthday bud Jon declared, “Hope not.”  And my friend Royce admitted, “I wouldn't know. I am a failure at both.”

My neighbor Al shared, “Oh I wish it were.  Unfortunately many people grow up without knowing how to act in public.”  To this, my cable marketing friend Megan added, “I know plenty of people who are “grown up” and still don’t know how to act in public.  Consider the crowds at any big event (sporting, concerts, etc.), on public transportation (MARTA and at the airport) or even the line at the grocery store.” 

My dad’s beach buddy Bob explained, “Growing up is inherited while learning how to act in public is taught.”  My cycling friend Ted countered,  "Grow up" is something your wife might say, and learning how to "act in public" is something your mother tried to teach you. Now since all wives eventually become your mother, I would say the two statements are the same.”

My cousin Greg concluded, “No, because some elderly people act like children in public. You can’t do anything without them wanting ice cream or needing to use the restroom.”   Ouch.  My sailing friend Kurt noted, “No, I knew how to act in public long before I grew up.  I think most men don't grow up until their better half downloads the first tricycle motor.”

And my BBQ friend Alan offered advice from, Lewis Grizzard: “Everything we needed to know we learned in kindergarten”.

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Do bad days end at midnight?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


A another great visit to Margaritaville this past Saturday – great music, great friends, great weather.  I think we discovered about the only place where socialism might work.  And thanks to my friend Barry, we made it onto the big screen.

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