Monday, February 11

Can a baby have an accent before it can talk?

In response to last week’s question, “Can a baby have an accent before it can talk?",  my musical friend Ira explained, "A baby can have an accent if its name is French. It might have an accent aigu or an accent grave."   Ira added, "And we Clevelanders truly know from whence the Ravens came. We just can't figure out why they didn't decide to start winning until they left...

My friend Royce then replied, "Does anyone really care?" Given the few responses, and none  about babies in Boston crying 'wa' while Southern babies cry multisyllabic 'wa-a-a-a', it could be that nobody really cares.

My friend Richard added a reply to the prior week's question about 'sitting in the stands  "According to the Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary, among the definitions of “stands” are “to take up or maintain a specified position” and “to remain stationary or inactive,” either of which would certainly seem to apply. “Stand” may also be a derivative of “stanchion,” which is defined as “an upright bar, post, or support.” In short, a structure which rises above the level of the playing field and supports those in attendance.  Interesting aside:  At Texas A&M, the custom is that the students actually do stand in the stands throughout the game.  They only sit during halftime."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

How big is a piece?

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


Tue is Mardi Gras and Thu is St Valentine's Day.  This is your opportunity to differentiate lust and love.

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