Monday, August 12

Is it still grouper if you eat it alone?

In response to last week’s question, "Is it still grouper if you eat it alone?",  my friend Richard and birthday bud Jon agreed, "Nope. Then you’re eating sole."   To this, my friend Tracey, whose son is now attending her alma matter, asked, "Is it still sole if you eat it with a group?"

My friend Chris responded, "No, it becomes singular and now you are eating a groupie, which is bad for rock bands who can't find enough help these days either.  :)  "

My dad's beach buddy Bob said, "No.  It is Red Snapper."   To this, my friend Royce added, "It's just fish no matter how many people are there."

My birthday bud Jon and I had a follow-up: 
PS:  I was floundering before I came up my answer. 
                You're giving me a haddock

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
               Should you borrow money from pessimists because they don't expect it back?

Lord, give me a sense of humor; give me the ability to understand a clean joke; to get some humor out of life, and to pass it on to other folks. 


A special call-out to my friend Henry for organizing another (more than 10) Habitat for Humanity build in Cobb Co, and to Paul for coordinating our team.  It is a beautiful thing when people give their time and  have a cooperative spirit to help someone they don't know.  That's 'collaboration.' 

[Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration.]

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