Monday, October 13

Would you give your right arm to be ambidextrous?

In response to last week's question, “Would you give your right arm to be ambidextrous ? ”, my friend Royce, without actually committing to give his right arm, asked “To whom would you give it?” My dad’s beach buddy Bob also seemed magnanimous (????) when writing, “I might consider giving my left arm as I only use it to put my socks and pants on.” My cousin Wes was less charitable when responding, “Could I get disability with that?”

My brother-in-law Jay offered a reasonable alternative, “I would give my left arm to have Nolan Ryan's right arm.” My college roomie John couldn’t imagine riding his bike or motorcycle with one arm, adding “It would make me even slower at the PC.”

My neighbor Dick offered “to give my left leg to be able to dance!” My friend Richard added, “I already have two left feet so I think I'm half way there. Hey, by the way, did you hear about the guy who lost his entire left side in a powerboat accident? He was All Right!”

My birthday bud Jon commented, “Well, I have to hand it to Zak (who submitted the question). He shouldered his responsibility, applied some elbow grease, and put his finger on the problem! Quire humerus!”
Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

For football fans, why do we sit in the stands? (from my friends Tracey and Kevin’s son Elliott)

Live well…..laugh often….be happy…have a good week….

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