Monday, March 22

What’s the plural for bamboo?

In response to last week’s question, " What’s the plural for bamboo?", my dad, my friend Richard and neighbor Dick agreed it is "bamboozle," which Dick added, "this then makes it a verb as in: "When you Baboozle them (deceive)."

My dad's beach buddy Bob understands that the plural is, "Bimbos...and there are a lot of them." Ah, they are popping up everywhere.

My friend Bruce concluded it is "Bambi."
My cousin Wes thought the plural should be "Bam-bam boo-boo except that that sounds like set of cartoon characters."

"I hate to be serious," wrote my whimsical friend Vivian, "but the plural is bamboos. This would also be a good name for booze (which is spelled differently)."

My former colleague Swany confirmed, "Actually it's Bamboos. You may hear a lot of them at the next Alabama vs. Georgia game next football season."

My friend Tracey observed, "Mirriam-Webster, The American Heritage Dictionary, The Collins English Dictionary say the plural is bamboos. Wikipedia says the plural is bamboo (like deer). The only one that says the singular and the plural are the same is Wikipedia. Are you feeling bamboo-zled?"

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ”:

To celebrate Spring: What do you plant to get seedless watermelon or seedless grapes? (from my friend Patrick west)

Live well...laugh often and heartily….be happy, have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


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