Monday, June 21

Do flying fish travel in a school or a flock?

In response to last week’s question, "Do flying fish travel in a school or a flock?", my sailing and writing friend Rich concluded, " on Sunday they hang with the flock. Monday through Friday they travel in a school. On Saturday they fly solo."

My friends Royce and Richard agreed, "Squadrons complete with wing fish. If they come from Gorton's, however, they come frozen in a box or bag."

"Since we are in the 21st century and technology is where it's at," my friend Swany concluded, "I say they travel in a 'fly-pod'." Also thinking future, my comedic friend Bruce wrote, "Flying fish should travel in a school that flies. Like something from the Jetsons, they each get in a pill box and fly to their school that sits on top of a long flag pole. Then that school could come off the pole and fly around the universe to planets like Neptune, a big aquarium in space. Yeah, they’d like that."

My dad's beach buddy Bob declared, "In today's education system, you have to be schooled in order to know how to flock!"
"Speaking as an educator," my Parrothead friend Sam wrote, "I would think that the smarter, lead fish try to get everyone to 'fly' as a school... It is the dropouts and vagabonds who head off to join the flock."

My cousin Wes determined it "depends on if they are innies or outies."

However, to all of this, my weather friend Patrick explained, "Your premise is false. You assume all flying things flock. But bees fly as well, so it would be a swarm of flying fish."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ”:

Do obese people skinny dip? (from my pilot friend Ted)

Live well...laugh often and heartily….be happy, have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Mon, June 21: The longest day of the year -- enjoy all of the sunlight and Vitamin D you can. Happy Summer Solstice.

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