Monday, August 15

Is nostalgia what it used to be?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin.

In response to last week’s question, “Is nostalgia what it used to be?”, my friend Swany replied, “It’s now Nostalgia 2.0, sort of the same but pretty much different.”

My college roomie John concluded, “The simple answer is yes, but are our minds are not what they used to be, so our memory of the past may not be what it used to be.” My friend Richard further explained, “Actually, nostalgia is about what it ain’t, since our memories tend to have gaps (We tend to forget or gloss over the bad stuff.) and at times creative (We have accurate memories of things that never actually happened.).”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob challenged, possibly from a political perspective, “No. Nostalgia recalls pleasant memories...We have none of those to recollect.”

Then my young technology friend Andy replied, “Sorry, my nostalgia is still fresh and new.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

        Can a woman work in a manhole ?

Today is the oldest you’ve ever been yet the youngest you’ll ever be. Enjoy this day while it lasts and remember to smile.

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