Monday, November 5

Do you get a treat for doing a trick?

In response to last week’s question,  “Do you get a treat for doing a trick?”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob lamented, “Not in the last 20 years” to which my writing and sailing friend Rich shared, “I hate to keep dragging my wife into this, but she does have a system of reward and punishment that keeps me doing tricks.”  Then my videographer friend Ivan bragged, “When I perform a trick, it is she who gets a treat!”

My college roomie John  replied, “I hope so.  I will keep trying.”  Equally optimistic, my Dish friend John explained, “You know me…doing a trick is a treat!”

My cousin Wes observed, “Rosie, my border collie does” to which my BBQ friend Alan concurred, “My dog does!  But then again, Gordon is so cute, he doesn’t have to do a trick to get a treat.”  Alan added a second thought, “It depends on how mad she is after you do the trick on her!” which my friend Chris shared, “Depends on how sadistic you are really. If you think doing the trick and seeing the reaction afterwards is your treat then I guess so :)  

My friend Royce responded, “Well, if you are a working girl, the answer is yes” to which my friend Richard cautioned, “Depends. If you do it near the Port Authority in New York City, you can get 6 months to 5 years.”  Then my neighbor Al replied, “Certainly! Especially if your at a place like "The Mustang Ranch" in Nevada.  But not in many other states.”

My friend Kosol wrote, “Only if you are Evel Knievel.  Now that guy can do some tricks!”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
What exactly is a "personal day?"  (from my cousin Greg)
Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.


Even if you’re not from OH, FL or CO, please remember how much has been sacrificed so that you can vote.  Your vote is important.

Another example of Americans being themselves was the 27th annual Punkin Chunkin contest in Bridgeville, DE, which I attended this weekend.  It’s hard to explain the fascination and creativity involved with human powered and air powered efforts to hurl a pumpkins literally thousands of feet through the air.  My thanks to my cycling friend Ted, and son Ian, for inviting to attend.  Want to know more:

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