Monday, October 13

What do Bat Boys become when they grow up?

In response to last week’s question, "What do Bat Boys become when they grow up?,"  my neighbor Al, cycling friend Ted and cat-loving friend Tracey shared, "Everybody Sing -- Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da--Batman!  Duh!"   My BBQ-loving friend Bruce added, "You so know the popular answer to that one!  Batman!  Except for that one guy who became Batgirl."  

My collaboration friend Paul noted the question was in plural and replied, "Batmen" while my friend Richard suggested, "Vampires! ….or possibly other forms of blood-sucking creatures, such as members of Congress or used car salespersons."

My hiking friend Kelley cautioned, " If you’re speaking of the bat boy of Weekly World news lore, I think they grow up to be the monsters from the 2005 horror flick 'The Descent'."

My social media friend Mark noted, "Fantasy baseball camp participants," while my dad's beach buddy Bob surmised, "Louisville Sluggers?," while my writing friend Stan declared, "Bat Boys become Clubhouse Boys – and some them become drug runners."

And then my cable marketing friend Megan put this all in perspective when she wrote, "Do any boys ever really grow up?  Is there such thing as a grown man? ” 

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Can you recreate something new?

Never miss an opportunity to do something that makes you smile!


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.
Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


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