Monday, May 11

What commences at graduation?

In response to last week’s question, "What commences at graduation?," my writing and sailing friend Rich reflected on his personal experience, "For the vast majority who were lucky enough not to peak too early, a world of opportunity."  My Parrothead friend Sam continued, "That depends.  If graduation is immediately followed by a career, then reality commences.  If graduate school is the next step, then graduation is the commencement of prolonged adolescence and frivolity spiked with moments of pure genius." 

My dad's beach buddy Bob optimistically shared, "The rest of your life and what you will make of it."

My sailing friend Kurt  noted, "Real Life" to which a fellow sailor and wealth advisor Norm added, "Real life, responsibility and debt!"  My birthday bud Jon G and equestrian friend Royce reframed that as "Student loans."

My PR friend Stan called it "Life…for graduates and parents" to which my temple friend Tracey added, "empty nests" and my cycling friend Ted declared, "Parental Freedom!"

As another perspective, my social media friend Mark pointed out, "It's moving back in with Mom and Dad."

And my videographer friend Ivan explained, "Hopefully, some harmless shenanigans and then some solid contributions to society.  But I am still stuck on the graduation part.  Do colleges graduate their students from their program, or do students graduate from their college?  In other words, though this may be in passive voice either way, who does the graduating here exactly? Student or Institution?    Also, I would like to remind everybody, as Jethro Clampett was sure to do every chance he got, that he done gratiated the 7th grade.  Way to go Jethro.  Way to go."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

What would a woman do on a dude ranch?  (from my friend Ted)

"Life may not be the party we had hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."


One of my role models, Jimmy Buffett, was the commencement speaker for my nephew Daniel.  Congrats to Daniel on a successful U of Miami academic and lacrosse career.  And to my Parrothead friends, Jimmy's  advice goes well beyond his music.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by to see what else I'm up to.

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