Monday, June 22

When did you realize that your father was so smart?

In response to last week’s question, "When did you realize that your father was so smart?," my writing and sailing friend Rich noted that it was "the day I became one and every day since."

My transportation friend Joe shared, "When I was old enough to appreciate how good a woman my mom was."

My temple friend Kevin recalled, "At the age of 24" while my dad's beach buddy Bob recalled, "When I turned 25."

My DISH Network friend Mark remembered, "It was 5 years after he told me that I was on my own financially to get through college. Of course, he never gave me a penny, but between scholarships and jobs, I graduated without owing a penny. Happy father’s day."

My sailing friend Kurt declared it was "when he started agreeing with me," while my neighbor Al replied, "Just about the time he started to unbuckle his belt!"

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is ignorance bliss?  (from Demetri Martin)

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by to see what else I'm up to.


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