Monday, April 17

What's the best thing to do with your peeps this Easter weekend?

In response to last week’s question, "What's the best thing to do with your peeps this  Easter weekend?,"  my temple friend Tracey advised, "Spend s'more time with them. The chicks like things kind of mallow."

My writing and Flow Coach cousin Sunny called out, "Eat them with matzoh!"

While my equestrian friend Royce replied, "Hide," my dad's beach buddy Bob shared, "Rest them on the gorgeous flowers coming up this spring."

And my cycling friend Ted used the non-Easter definition of peeps when he responded, "if you are one of my Peeps, then the best thing to do is ride this weekend!"

Then please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Is there a fair tax?
Tax Freedom Day for 2016 was April 24.  In other words, it took on average 113 days for Americans to earn income to cover their federal, state and local tax bill.

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

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