Monday, September 26

Can you be humble at bragging?

A ponderable with the humor in the vein of George Carlin, Steven Wright and Demetri Martin.

In response to last week’s question, “Can you be humble at bragging?”, my birthday bud Jon wrote, “I think I am very good at that.  But others might differ.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob noted, “Easily done.  You begin by saying that a friend of yours said that you were brilliant in your analysis of......whatever.”  My sailing friend Kurt concurred, adding, “Yes, the trick is to just bask in the glow of others bragging about you.”  To this, my neighbor Dick clarified, “Actually, it's not BRAGGING if you can DO it (whatever “it” is).

My former colleague Effie observed, “Every kids playgroup (the “mompition”) has a least one mompetitor who has to “humbly” “share” with the group their special little snowflake’s latest accomplishments.  Why didn’t *I* know preschoolers can recite Shakespeare and build a cold fusion engine out of Duplo blocks?!”
My friend Richard challenged, “No, but I know several people who brag about their humility. To be fair, they have good reason to be humble.”  My college roomie and sailing friend John expounded, “It’s relative.  Someone may consider another person's story as bragging, while another may consider it a nice humble story.   It seems the one who never stops talking is typically bragging.  Maybe the quiet person's story may come across as humble.”

Another former colleague, Jeff, explained, “Only when you’re not bragging about bragging. Being humble is no easy task if I do say so myself!”

My friend Royce noted, “Republicans* do it all of the time.”

Then my sailing and writing friend Rich shared, “I always worry about my grammar in these things.  You would think a Rhodes Scholar would be better at that.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:
Why do "tug" boats push their barges? from my recently wedded friend Jan

Live well...laugh often and heartily…. have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!

(*) This may be dangerous territory to some.  Let’s just agree that US politicians attempt to be humble.

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