Monday, January 18

What is the measure of basic intelligence? + an MLK Day question

In response to last week’s question, "What is the measure of basic intelligence?," my writing and sailing friend Rich declared, "It is known as the 'hey dude, watch this' test.  If you burn off a single eyebrow you score a 3, if you burn off both eyebrows you score a 6. If you don’t survive then the measure is taken using the Darwin scale. See Dina Soars 'Extinction is Distinction' for additional information."  

My thought-leadership friend Paul noted, "Easiest question you’ve ever asked.  How much you realize you don’t know."  My dad's beach buddy Bob pointed out "It's the ability to determine what is good or evil."

While my temple friend Bob references "my uncle Leo," another temple friend Bill observed, "I am not sure what the unit of measure would be, but with some people I have run across it would have to small to measure."

My network management friend Andrew explained, "it's the ability to program in the BASIC language (one of the first programming languages, created at Dartmouth in the 1960s. Yes, I have programmed in it.)."

My cycling friend Ted declared, " 'Basic' intelligence is not having to remind a teenager to shower or brush their teeth. However, expectations and reality are 2 different things."

My cousin Valarie shared this logic, "The MEASURE can't be FEET because basic intelligence doesn't get one very far. Can't be POUNDS because no one can pound intelligence into another. Certainly not LIGHT YEARS because that goes way beyond basic. Anyone who has observed college graduates knows not to measure by DEGREES. Maybe GRAMS because basic intelligence doesn't seem very weighty. And when someone is MILES ahead of others, it usually refers more to book learning or scheming. Could be WATTS since a really intelligent person is considered bright, and basic intelligence is closer to dimwit. I know the measure! My grandma would say of someone, "he ain't got an OUNCE of common sense." I'll bet basic intelligence could be measured the same way."

My equestrian friend Royce queried, "And with so many stupid people roaming around one has to ask 'What is intelligence?' " to which my hiking friend Kelly quoted, "Stupid is as stupid does – Forrest Gump."

Please share your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

What is a donation of your free time worth? in honor of MLK Day being a national day of service

Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive quickly.

Martin Luther King Day has become a national day of service.  Whether you help someone or something today or any other day of the year, it is this spirit of helping our fellow citizens (including the 4 legged ones) that makes our society strong.

And thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.  Stop by NicheLabs to see what else I'm up to.

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