Monday, May 1

What is so bad that it is soap 'scum'?

In response to last week’s question, "What is so bad that it is soap 'scum'?", my dad's beach buddy Bob suggested, "A lieing politician?.....No one that continues to say the same lie."

My PR friend Stan queried, "Doesn’t soap scum have a cleansing effect against the scum of the earth?"

My equestrian friend Royce asked, "Does anyone really care?"   Based on the small number of responses, it is "no," or that the question was too difficult to figure out that when you consider soap is a positive and scum is a negative, when combined, the result is a negative.  Thus, scum is tougher than soap.  Vinegar and hydrogren peroxide are stronger than soap, which is why you won't hear about vinegar scum or hydrogen peroxide scum.

Then please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What is worth acquiring a taste for?  from my sailing friend Phil

We don't stop laughing because we get old. We get old because we stop laughing.  Make it a priority to have fun and make others laugh.


Wishing you a happy Cinco de Mayo, a holiday that America restaurants celebrate.   Our friends in Mexico observe Sep 16 as Mexico's Independence Day, with May 5 celebrating the Battle of Puebla.  Here's to commercialism.

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

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