Tuesday, September 2

When French people swear, do they say pardon my English?

In response to last week's question, “When French people swear, do they say pardon my English?”, my birthday bud Jon wrote, “No. The French language does not provide for that level of humility.” My worldly friend Richard added, “The French do NOT swear. The French also do not perspire, complain, yield to threats from other nations, or behave or speak in an arrogant manner. The French are perfect, monsieur.”

My Silicon Valley birthday bud Adam agreed, “No, no, they say pardon my French - very important to respect their own language.” My friend Royce added, “ ‘Pardon’ has the same meaning in English as in French. To paraphrase Jimi Hendrix "pardonnez-moi tandis que j'embrasse le ciel."

My college roomie John realized that he does say “pardon my French” when his vocalization begins with another “F” word. Jon wrote, “It would make sense if the French had an “E” swear word that they would substitute with “pardon my English.”

When all is said and done, my dad’s beach buddy noted that the French simply yell, “Sacrebleu.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

Why is it that it’s good to score under par in golf but it’s bad to be “under par” in anything else?

Live well…..laugh often….be happy…have a good week.


Relevant quotes from Richard, who admittedly has a connection with the defense industry:
· “War without France would be like .. uh ... World War II.” - Unknown
· "Raise your right hand if you like the French ... Raise both hands if you are French." – Unknown
"It is important to remember that the French have always been there when they needed us." - Alan Kent
"Going to war without the French is like going into battle without an accordion." - U. S. Army Gen. Norman H. Schwartzkopf (Ret.)

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