Monday, December 22

What does a clear conscience indicate?

In response to last week's question, “What does a clear conscience indicate?”, my sailing friend Mike and quality mgmt friend Marya both agreed, “You aren't having as much fun as you should be.” Similarly, my friend Kevin observed “It’s a complete lack of a life.”

My advo-gaming friend Dov, cousin Jeff and neighbor Dick agreed it indicates “a lousy memory.” My neighbor Al said it indicates “death” while my dad’s beach buddy Bob decided it indicates “that you have just been born!”

“At best, it indicates minor brain damage, but if prolonged, I'm sure a vegetative state,” wrote by observant friend Gian. “When the clear conscience is coupled with stupidity and arrogance, one can rule out vegetative state; the individual should be diagnosed as a butthole and sent on their way.”

My witty S African transplant friend Laurence realized “it could be either poor memory or heavy drinking.” My birthday bud Jon claims “blackouts lead to a clear conscience.” In agreeing, my sailing friend Kurt added, “alcohol erases selective past deeds.” Fear not, my work colleague Chris noted that “like Pepsi Clear, it’s just a fad and will eventually, ever so slowly, slip away into history as forgotten…

My wise friend Richard concluded it is a sign of “write-only memory” while my wife’s former roommate Ruth says it indicates “nothing because it’s clear.”

My film production and sailing friend Ivan compiled a great list of 11 more ideas (see below). My usually happy friend Tracey concluded that it proves “ignorance is bliss.”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

How do you know that there isn’t (or wasn’t) a real
Santa Claus somewhere ?

Live well...laugh happy and have a good week…


My friend’s Ivan list of reasons for a clear conscience:
11) Forgetfulness (honestly, I can't recall having EVER done anything wrong!)
10) Liar!
9) You are not Catholic, masters of guilt.
8) You are not Jewish, Supreme masters of guilt!
7) You are a cat
6) You are on your third round, or was that a fifth?
5) You are Buddah, Krishna, Jesus, or Santa Claus
4) You are enjoying your limited stay in that womb
3) R.I.P.
2) "Honestly officer, I was just helping that sheep over the fence."
1) You are asking the wrong guy, I wouldn't know anything about a clear conscience

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