Monday, January 4

Do penguins’ feet freeze?

In response to last week’s questions, “Do penguins’ feet freeze?”, my dad’s beach buddy Bob noted, “Old ones might, but the younger ones are always in heat.” My friend Jeff replied, “Yes but they like it!” (I think he was referring to the cold feet.)

My dad wondered, “Don't the penguins have shoes on to match their tuxedos?”

My friend Tracey concluded, “No way. Didn't you see March of the Penguins? They wear huge fuzzy slippers... DUH!” “With the hit documentary, a feature movie and all the merchandising,” my cousin Jack wrote, “I heard that the penguins' working conditions had greatly improved since their success. It is unfortunate that they have become rather rogue, and are now big advocates FOR global warming. Really, the less attention, they have, the better!”

My neighbor Al added, “I'm not sure about penguin feet, but I did have some of the nuns in Catholic school that always wore a sweater and complained about being chilly.”

“Penguins are so warm in their coats that their feet and beak are needed to allow heat to escape,” declared my observant friend Bruce. “So the new question is, ‘Why doesn’t ice melt under penguin’s feet?’ ”

My former colleague Sarita shared a memory from “sitting at a desk a LONG time ago. I remember my teacher telling us in the 3rd grade that penguins feet never freeze because they are warm blooded. I decided to get some more in-depth info as I had simply, blindly believed my teacher. She was right. Penguins feet are never allowed to get below freezing point, blood flow is finely adjusted so that they are kept just above. When it gets very cold, the feet are covered by the feathers and fat layer of the body so they are not exposed to cooling winds. So while a man standing barefoot on ice would quickly get frostbitten, penguins can do so all their lives with no damage at all."

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm'

Can you succeed at making a resolution to have no resolutions?

Live well(*)...laugh often and heartily….be happy, have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


(*) Some great New Year’s toasts, courtesy of my sailing friend Rich:
• Once more we have failed to die.
• Here’s to being in a boat with drink on the rocks rather than being in the drink with a boat on the rocks.
• The meek shall inherit the earth; the brave will get the oceans.
• To boat drinks and the island boys that bring ‘em.
• To boat drinks and the island girls that bring ‘em.
• May the warm wind at your back not be your own.
• To men, who circled the globe without a clue or care. To women, who discovered the world because they asked for directions.
• May your departures equal your landfalls.

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