Monday, October 8

When does a wart not worry?

In response to last week’s question,  “When does a wart not worry?”, my friend Richard sang out, “When it’s a wart hog! ‘Hakuna Matata!’”

My Dish friend Mark believes, “It's when it's on an old witch’s nose. Apparently, they don't have a mirror or an honest friend. Happy Halloween.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob suggested, “When it is on a frog!”  And my cycling friend Ted concluded, “When it doesn't know of the impending dermatologist appointment.”   My friend Swany added, “A wart doesn't worry when it goes unnoticed, however a wart is almost always worried about being noticed.”  My cousin Wes’s conversation confirmed this. “ Wart: Got Compound W?  Wes: Nope.  Wart:  No worries.”

A colleague who asked for anonymity when he wrote, “When it’s an anal wart.  Its life can’t get any worse!”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Is Fall too late to start Spring cleaning?
Life  is too short for drama and petty things, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly, and forgive  quickly.
If you know someone who has or loves golden retrievers in the Atlanta area, here’s a link to our annual dog party:

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