Tuesday, February 5

Would you rather be right or happy?

In response to last week’s imponderable question, “Would you rather be right or happy?,” my temple friend Richard concluded, “I am usually quite happy when it turns out I am right.  I am also usually quite surprised.

My collaboration friend Paul gasped, “Jeez, Hal.  The easiest question ever (for those who have seen Wonder).   When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.   Making that choice is much more likely to make you happy.”

My writing and sailing friend Rich cautioned, “I would rather be happy than say to my wife, ‘I hate being right as much as you hate me being right and I realize that no good will come from this.’”

My cycling friend Ted advised, “Oh just ask any married man--much better to be happy!” to which my college roomie John concurred, “I understand in order for a husband to stay married, it is better to be happy than right.  There are always exceptions to the rule!” And my cousin Wes added, “If you are a married man and want to be happy, then you are wrong and she is right.”  

My dad’s beach buddy Bob dreamed, “I would be happy to be right for once in my life when arguing with my wife.”

My optimist equestrian friend Royce declared, “...but I am always right and happy so I guess I am exempt” while my social media friend Mark lamented, “Apparently I’d rather be wrong and unhappy.”

My production management friend Ray shared, “Both right and happy are situational. I'd much rather be joyous. And I know I'm right in saying that which makes me very happy. Namaste.”

And my sister-in-law Lorrie called out, “I believe it would be a bit southern to say:  I'm gonna be right happy.”
Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

What’s the purpose of a beard? in honor of Abe Lincoln’s birthday on Feb 12

Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile!


Heard by one of my sailing friends, “I’m not watching the Super Bowl this weekend.  I don’t really like baseball.”

As to Phillip' s comment about “What is public service?” the week before last, my cousin Wes asked, “does not Nancy Pelosi  have responsibility too?”

Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

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