Monday, July 30

When the past meets the present, is it tense?

In response to last week’s question,  “When the past meets the present, is it tense?”, my college roomie John suggested, “if the past partner meets the present partner, it could be tense and many other things.”  To this, my friend Royce shared, “Only if it's your ex-wife who has just discovered you are dating her mother.” 

My videographer friend Ivan noted, “When one is in a wigwam, and the other a teepee, the meeting is just in tents.”

My dad’s beach buddy Bob observed, “It would be joyful if it was to have an old boss working for me long enough to fire him.”

My birthday bud Jon noted, “It’s tense if it goes past the time I was supposed to get my wife a present.”   My writing and sailing friend Rich added, “When it’s wives, the answer is usually yes.”

My friend Swany replied, “I don't know if it's tense but at least you know your flux capacitor is working,” to which my engineering friend Steve added, “Isn't there something about ripping a hole in space time?”

And then my poster-making friend Chris concluded, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift..that is why it is called the present :)   ”

Please share your thoughts about "things that make you go 'Hmmm' “:

Where do you get a replacement handle on life?

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly!

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