Monday, April 2

What does the Easter Bunny do for the other 364 days of the year?

In response to last week’s imponderable question, “What does the Easter Bunny do for the other 364 days of the year?,”  my birthday bud Jon noted, “Tries to figure out how a damn rabbit is supposed is supposed to lay eggs” while my production manager friend Ray added, “And you think all of those eggs just magically appear already decorated and with instructions for where they are to be hidden?”  

My sailing friend Mike replied, “Really?  You have to ask that question?  What do bunnies do?  πŸ°+ 🐰= 🐰  πŸ° πŸ°  πŸ°πŸ°  πŸ° πŸ°πŸ°  πŸ°πŸ°  πŸ°,” which my college roomie Jon described as the “Easter bunny shags the rest of the year (maybe some sleep too).   My dad’s beach buddy Bob concurred, “make more bunnies for the following year.  Tastes like chicken.”

My cycling friend Ted queried, “Uh? He is a bunny,” while my interfaith event partner Ann noted, “Makes more Easter bunnies and eggs, of course.  She is a rabbit, you know.”  To these my equestrian friend Royce explained, “One can only assume that the Easter Bunny adheres to the old lascivious adage of ‘... has the 'rabbit habit' " and my hiking friend Kelly wordsmithed as “like other bunnies, fornication!”

My sailing and flying friend Andy found cinemagraphic evidence, writing, “The rest of the year he is incognito as his alter ego Harvey. “

My adjunct executive friend Lindy recalled,”I believe The Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa gather to chat and play cards, after they finish their work.  That’s what I would do anyway” while my cousin Wes thought differently, “He starts collecting and coloring eggs, making chocolate likenesses and eggs, jelly bean etc for next year. Never a moment's rest.  (Sounds like a Mother).”  My social media friend Mark concurred, “Makes Peeps, chocolate bunnies, and plastic grass. That all takes time for a lone bunny!  And equally important, is the Easter Bunny male or female?

My temple friend Tracey called out, “He eats veggies and makes black jelly beans.”

My PR friend Stan suggested,  “Raid the hen house? Hang out with Santa? Eat matzah?” while my sailing friend Norm   replied, “Hide from the coyotes!  I understand what the "Easter Egg" is all about.  Just like we Jews having an Egg as one of our Passover symbols for the circle of life or for renewal or fertility.  I asked a minister friend of mine where the Bunny came from and what does it mean.  He had no clue.  

Please send me your thoughts about this week's "things that make you go 'Hmmm' ":

When giving a birthday gift, why do you wish ‘many happy returns?’

Live well...laugh often and heartily.... have a good week and never regret anything that made you smile!


What a great birthday week this has been.  From sailing friends to social friends to co-workers, it confirmed that we need to celebrate more.   Sometimes the little successes.  Sometimes a milestone.  Sometimes a hug or fist bump.  Somethings its spending time together aka a party.  In every case, celebrating is good for some many things.  So thank you all for the spirit and friendship.
Thanks to Demetri Martin, Steven Wright and George Carlin for the inspiration for Hmmm.   I invite you to call or email me to catch up.

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